I bring warm greetings from the family of Lulwanda Children’s Home. As we continue to provide Christ-like love to the kids, I wish to thank you for being supportive and letting our kids know that they are special and chosen by God. Such an opportunity can’t be taken for granted without noticing the invisible hand of God. Once again I am glad to take you through the activities of the month of June.
This month we had a higher number of patients compared to the previous month. The highest cases of illnesses registered were malaria, cough and flu among the Children and staff members. We had to refer four kids to Joy Hospice for laboratory tests and further management. The Children referred include Clement Kudo who had constant headache, cough, chest pain and body weakness and was treated of respiratory tract infections while Teavor Mulongo and Judith Namusoga were diagnosed of severe malaria and were given treatment. Timothy Wataka fell off the swings and had neck pain, and was taken for x-ray and thank God the findings were normal. All the four kids are fine and we continue to thank God for their healing.

We praise the Lord that Anthony Wanzala graduated this month from Busitema University with a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Water Engineering. It was all joy after 4 yrs study seeing such a brilliant gentleman making Lulwanda Children’s Home proud. Anthony has lived to be a role model to all the Lulwanda Children. Among the Children who have been reintegrated with relatives after the 2yrs stay at Tendo, he is the only Child whom we selected to remain at Tendo to mentor the rest of Lulwanda transitional Children to Tendo. We thank all the Lulwanda friends who have contributed greatly for this young man to realize his dream. Be praying for Naster Chebet who will be graduating very soon. May the Almighty God bless you beyond measure.

Mariam was reintegrated with her clan members last year but with no engagement in any productive skill with which to earn a living. Prior to the reintegration, we had placed her in two trade schools to learn some skills but she did not acquire anything because she is a slow learner. We agreed as a team to bring her back on board through the Program Coordinator (Mercy) to impart some art / handicraft skills. So far she is progressing well and currently she has learnt how to make beautiful door mats and bracelets. We hope this will help her earn some money in the long run when she has fully been resettled with her family.

We hired new Certified Public Accountants – Lawrie Prophet & company to audit our books of accounts for the financial year ending 31st December 2021. We gave them an engagement letter which covers the organization and Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) audit on our behalf. One advantage with this firm is that they are experts in taxation and they will be of great help in sorting out audit queries with URA.
We had another session of financial training with the Lulwanda and Tendo Alumni. The topic was managing business money and all the Children were interested to learn. It was an eye opener that business money should be used in quite different ways as compared to household money. The whole essence was that business money once handled well can make more money while household money is money we spend daily and we don’t get it back. The financial training is still ongoing and will continue until the curriculum is completed.

We had a visitation day to see our 5 Children in Tororo Girls School (TGS) and had a great time counseling them on good performance and life skills. The five Children who are all seating for the final exams of Uganda National Examinations Board 2022 include, Sarah Fatuma Namubya S.6, Mary Namubi S.6, Marita Ajambo S.4, Robinah Nalwanga S.4 and Joyce Nebokhe S.4. We took along some scholastic materials which were needed at school and thankfully we had already paid off the fees balances. Afterwards we shared a meal and prayed together as a family. We continue to work tirelessly and provide for these children because we are in fact their parents.

We received a team from Grace Community Bible Church who paid a courtesy call to the Children’s home while on their mission of opening up a church in Uganda. The team made a tour of the home and the farm and were much impressed by the developments at Lulwanda and especially with the new model homes. They were only sad and disappointed that the big tree in the front yard (and on our logo) had been cut down because it was old and hollow and becoming a risk. Members of the Grace Community Bible Church had great memories about the tree.

I take this opportunity to say thank you so much for the support which is transforming the lives of the Children at Lulwanda. As the world continues to experience economic hardships, continue praying for us for the smooth running of the home. The cost of living is becoming expensive as the prices for commodities have doubled due to the high costs of gas. The first harvest of food grains has been poor and the food prices are most likely to go high. So far there is looming hunger striking the country, especially the Karamoja region where some people have started dying due to starvation. We continue to pray that we shall overcome it. Thank you for being part of this noble cause and let God bless you all.
In His Grace,
Isabirye Paul