There are a number of opportunities for you to contribute towards specific Lulwanda projects or programs. A donation designated for one of these projects would make a huge improvement to the long term future of Lulwanda:
“Building for the Future” Campaign
After much prayer about how to best nurture and support the raising our many school-aged children, the Board of GICF has decided to move from the current “dormitory” model to a “village of homes” model that more accurately reflects life in Uganda. Click here for more information and to participate.
Secondary Boarding School Fees
Lulwanda has an excellent Primary School, but we do not have secondary school facilities. As is common in Uganda, our secondary school children attend boarding schools, which have cost roughly $1800 per year. We have worked hard to bring those costs down, such that sending our primary school graduates (47 children this year) to Secondary Boarding School costs about $1500 per child annually.
Consider making a designated gift of $1500 to cover the cost of one child in secondary boarding school.